Are you struggling under a mountain of debt with no hope in sight? Well, there is hope. You can halt collections and foreclosures immediately, wipe out most if not all of your debts, and get a fresh start.
We are Attorney Kristie Radloff and Attorney James Stanek of the Bankruptcy Law Center, with offices in Milwaukee, Racine, Elkhorn and Port Washington. We have helped thousands of people like you to wipe out their debts and get a fresh start. We want to help you, too.
The federal bankruptcy laws empower you to stop all foreclosure and collection proceedings, wipe out most debts, and start anew. We can help you to keep your house and car and other valuable assets while getting a fresh start.
Don’t spend another day with this misery. You don’t have to live like this. One of our clients, a mother of three, came into our offices, sat down, and started crying. Her debts had ruined her life. She was sure she would lose everything. We showed her how she could keep her house and car, wipe out all of her debts, and make a fresh start. She walked out with a bright smile and said, “Why didn’t I call you sooner?”
Bankrupcty and a Fresh Start
There is no shame to filing bankruptcy. It is your constitutional right. The Founding Fathers, in the United States Constitution, authorized the Congress to enact bankruptcy laws. Do you know what Henry Ford, H. J. Heinz (the ketchup guy), Walt Disney and Donald Trump all have in common? You guessed it; they all went through bankruptcy. Not only that – they all went on to make great fortunes. The fact is, anyone who strives to achieve things in life will sometimes stumble. Even Reggie Jackson, “Mr. October”, 13th on the career home run list, had more strikeouts than any other player in history.
In these difficult times, more people than ever need a fresh start.
Call us today. Make an appointment to come in. We know the bankruptcy laws, and we can answer all of your questions.
Getting out of debt is a phone call away. Call 414-257-1900.
Photo by Christopher Kozoriz from Flickr using Creative Commons license.